After another month of a course i chose to upload the final render of the course. Many months i have had little to no problems of a course always feeling like it was all repetition and something i already done, but when it came to the month of lighting and shading everything flipped upside down challenging me to understand and grasp what i had to accomplish in just a week. How the slightest movement of a light could change every shadow or reflection of a surface needing me to go into its settings again to adjust to get it back to how it should have been in the at the start. Using the hypershade tool in Maya and navigation though its window and giving a visual representative od what i was doing adding and removing nodes. Why i am proud of this work is that it is something i have never done before. Working in creating a realistic scene and creating something to be more believable than fiction. i cannot deny this is not perfect, but i am proud none the less no matter what the grade outcom