The Simulation of a Simulation Game Production

The designers put together a short video summarizing the game.

Squire Quest | Player Character

Squire Quest | Heavy Armor.

Squire Quest | Iron Medium Armor

Squire Quest | Fool's Armor

Squire Quest | Light Leather Armor

Squire Quest | Villager NPC

Squire Quest | Villager NPC 2

Squire Quest | Assets

All of the UI elements that I designed and delivered to be implemented into the game. From menus and the action bars and buttons.

All of the UI elements that I designed and delivered to be implemented into the game. From menus and the action bars and buttons.

I was one of two artists who worked along a team of five designers where I had to deliver multiple assets simulation the work process of game production for a game tittle named Squire Quest

Here is the Elevator Pitch from the Design Team so you have an idea of what type of game the assets are for:
SquireQuest is an isometric action RPG where the player is given opportunities to improve their character through exploration and combat in order to face enemies that reflect the player’s own progress.